Windows API Calls for Powerbuilder 5.0


FatalExit( )


This function abruptly stops an application from running. As a result, nothing gets closed properly and objects are left hanging in memory. This function will produce a GPF the moment it is called and you will need to reboot. FatalExit is meant to be used for debugging purposes and is not recommended otherwise. There is no Powerbuilder equivalent.

Global External Function:
SUBROUTINE FatalExit(int exitcode) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"

int rtn
rtn = MessageBox("This API call is suppose to produce a GPF!","Are You Sure?", &
                          Exclamation!, YesNo!,2)
If rtn = 1 Then
        MessageBox("Final Notice!","You will have to reboot after this API call!")
End If

